Dear child of God,greetings in His name.Its a wonderful priviledge to be in the care of the Sovereign Lord. May you not loose sight of his love and grace. The Lord fights on our behalf. I pray you become more aware of his goodness each day. May no situation shake u for the just one is your father.
Little children can be so perseverant when they want something. They will beg and plead, with "pretty pleases," and woeful looks on their faces. They often keep at us until we just give in and say, "all right already! Whatever you say!"Luke 18:6-8 "And the Lord said, 'Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?" Jesus compares the pleas like those of our perseverant children to those who petition God for righteousness and justice. Of course God the Father will grant justice to those who cry out to Him! He loves each of us so much and will grant us our pleas not just in time, but quickly!Yet heed Jesus' words about the response of those on earth. He is cautioning us not to fall away from our faith, just because we do get our wishes granted. He is cautioning us not to lose faith and take our answers to prayer for granted (which is often what we tend to do!). Let's keep the flame of faith going as we live each day for Jesus. He doesn't grant us our petitions just to have us forget the One who graciously granted us our answers to prayer! Let's always and forever give praise and thanksgiving to God, who lovingly brings about justice and grace, not just quickly but always and forever!
with love,
Kisenyi Robert Grace
Little children can be so perseverant when they want something. They will beg and plead, with "pretty pleases," and woeful looks on their faces. They often keep at us until we just give in and say, "all right already! Whatever you say!"Luke 18:6-8 "And the Lord said, 'Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?" Jesus compares the pleas like those of our perseverant children to those who petition God for righteousness and justice. Of course God the Father will grant justice to those who cry out to Him! He loves each of us so much and will grant us our pleas not just in time, but quickly!Yet heed Jesus' words about the response of those on earth. He is cautioning us not to fall away from our faith, just because we do get our wishes granted. He is cautioning us not to lose faith and take our answers to prayer for granted (which is often what we tend to do!). Let's keep the flame of faith going as we live each day for Jesus. He doesn't grant us our petitions just to have us forget the One who graciously granted us our answers to prayer! Let's always and forever give praise and thanksgiving to God, who lovingly brings about justice and grace, not just quickly but always and forever!
with love,
Kisenyi Robert Grace