There is a saying in my mother tongue which says that: “Agoba musajja munne alekamu ezimuza” which is interpreted in English as- when pursuing an enemy-don’t use up all your energy just in case the opposite happens; when the hunter becomes hunted. Many times people fall into the traps/snares they set for others.
“Since Mordecai, before whom you have started to fall, is of Jewish descent, you will never succeed in your plans against him. It will be fatal to continue to oppose him”. Esther 6:13 Amazing, isn’t it? Modecai was a gatekeeper of a palace, call it white house, of a mighty Kingdom at that point in time. On the face value Modecai, a Jewish exile looked insignificant as opposed to Haman who was second in command to the king (vice president). However, because the Lord Almighty was his strength no enemy would fight and prevail against him. The story ends with Haman being hanged on the same gallows he had prepared for Modecai.
You and I are like Modecai, if the God of Jacob is our fortress and stronghold. Prophet Isaiah said that since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a god like our God, who works for those who wait on Him.Is64:4. Instead of shame and dishonor-God promises you a double portion of prosperity and everlasting joy. Don’t question or doubt your God when your hope defers-for when it’s darkest, then the day is about to break. Modecai metamorphosed into a much respected fellow overnight. From a gatekeeper to rubbing shoulders with the King. That takes God! That same God is your dad, and you are very close to His very heart. Whoever attacks you, it will not be the Lord’s doing, they will surrender to you. Always remember that you are under the blood of the lamb, safe and secure from the enemy’s schemes. Whoever hunts you will become the hunted both now and forever. Robert Grace Kisenyi
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