Grace and mercy abound to u.Howz life and all that you endaevour to work on.Am certain it's well with your soul.
When cats stalk their prey, they concentrate intensely. Their tails may twitch nervously, but they silently plan their plan of attack. The only defense the victim has is its ability to fly away. When the victims are too young to fly away, however, only the mother bird can protect its offspring in the shadow of her wings."How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights. For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light." (Psalm 36:7-9). God loves us so much that He will protect us from predators in the shadow of His wings. Though mother birds may sometimes fail in their protection of young, God never fails! God's love is always there for us! And because God loves us so much, He provides all the necessities of life that we normally do pay for -- food in abundance, drinks that delight. How priceless is that! The shadow of His wings provides the light of life.We are the birds of the Lord's flock. We may be stalked by predators who seem relentless. We may feel attacked on all sides, but we needn't fear or cower in the shadows. God's protection allows us rejoicing and delighting in Him. God's love gives us abundance and assurance that is priceless. We can't pay for it. Jesus already did on the cross. All we need do is come to Him, with joyful abandon to see the light of life today and forever!Until next time, make it a blessed day,With love,
Kisenyi Robert Grace
Grace and mercy abound to u.Howz life and all that you endaevour to work on.Am certain it's well with your soul.
When cats stalk their prey, they concentrate intensely. Their tails may twitch nervously, but they silently plan their plan of attack. The only defense the victim has is its ability to fly away. When the victims are too young to fly away, however, only the mother bird can protect its offspring in the shadow of her wings."How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights. For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light." (Psalm 36:7-9). God loves us so much that He will protect us from predators in the shadow of His wings. Though mother birds may sometimes fail in their protection of young, God never fails! God's love is always there for us! And because God loves us so much, He provides all the necessities of life that we normally do pay for -- food in abundance, drinks that delight. How priceless is that! The shadow of His wings provides the light of life.We are the birds of the Lord's flock. We may be stalked by predators who seem relentless. We may feel attacked on all sides, but we needn't fear or cower in the shadows. God's protection allows us rejoicing and delighting in Him. God's love gives us abundance and assurance that is priceless. We can't pay for it. Jesus already did on the cross. All we need do is come to Him, with joyful abandon to see the light of life today and forever!Until next time, make it a blessed day,With love,
Kisenyi Robert Grace
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